werner@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu () wrote in message news:<cmggot$bvf$1@geraldo.cc.utexas.edu>...
> (that Subject sure sounds as if one should know better than to get involved...)
> quoting E.F.Schelby <schelby@swcp.com> :
> >superoutland@aol.com (SuperOutland) wrote:
> >> Bad example, as germany's enemies took strenuous measures to keep her
> >> divided.

The previous poster meant that japan was different from germany in
that it had to become more militaristic in order to protext itself.  I
merely pointed out this was a bad example, because germany's enemies
took strenous measures to keep germany divided until bismarck did his
business and whatever.  And that germany's REAl source of guilt