Re: Shipping wrote:
> CL wrote:
>>And the Post Office waives standard size requirements in certain cases.
> Any examples?
The only one popping into my head at present doesn't include Japan, but
it _does_ include the Canadian PO. A friend found a complete OHC Ariel
Square Four motor in a rural barn in Ireland which he mounted in a case
made out of 2x4s and covered in thin plywood -- maybe 90x90x90 cube
weighing about 150lbs. He was allowed to post it to his home in Toronto
via Dublin. I've had one personal experience where my local PO in
darkest Tokyo said they'd take the package if it fit into a standard
mail sack regardless of weight. I got some NOS parts for a mid-Sixties
Japanese M/C (boxed petrol tank, wrapped mudguards) out of Wa using that
One thing that does occur is to warn the OC to _NEVER_ use UPS to send
anything in to Canada. (UPS = Kuroneko Yamato). They have their own
in-house customs house / freight clearing center that charges
*multiples* of what any other clearing house does. And you can't use
anyone else if UPS has it. It is quite normal for small packages worth
less than C$100 to wind up costing C$180~190. And there is no recourse.
The discussion boards for motorcycle restorers who exchange parts
among US <-> UK <-> Canada <-> Japan are full of UPS horror stories.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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