Re: Shipping wrote:
> Marvel wrote:
>><> wrote in message
>>>In just five short months, my time in this strange and wonderful
>>>country will be done (for now) and I'll be heading back to school in
>>>Canada. I have a 26kg digital piano (Yamaha P140) that I would like to
>>>get across the Pacific somehow, but I have no idea how I'd be able to
>>>do this somewhat affordably. Does anyone have any recommendations?
>>The last time I shipped belongings to the states I used seamail, that took
>>about 4 weeks. I went to the post office checked the standard allowable
>>package sizes and made it fit within those packages. cost was reasonable
> I think the OP might find it a bit difficult to break his Yamaha up
> into standard allowable package sizes. Well, not if he wants to put the
> piano together again at the other end. AFAIK the post office doesn't
> ship pianos mate.
Googling "Yamaha P140" takes me to any number of sites that show the
unit to be just a full sized keyboard without any of the other
piano-like appendages, boxes, or coverings.
Something like that ought to be easily box-able and fit in an aircraft
hold as an extra-cost item if the OP isn't flying First Class and
getting the weight and size waiver. He could just figure out a boxed
size and ask the airline what it would cost to include it in his luggage.
And the Post Office waives standard size requirements in certain cases.
Just buy lots of insurance.
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