Michael Cash wrote:
> On 27 Jan 2006 13:48:48 -0800, "TXZZ" <superoutland@aol.com> brought
> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>John R. Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
>>>TXZZ wrote:
>>>>Im the dumbest dumbshit that ever lived.  And insane too.
>>>People here have been telling you that ever since you began posting to this
>>>newsgroup. Nice to see that finally you are beginning to see things from
>>>their point of view.
>>well i am sorry for not frequently buying this argumentum ad populum
>>Man, dont you have a car I could wash or something?
>>It just occurred to me I could probably get a student visa if I took a
>>martial arts.  And I wouldnt be surprised if somewhere in japan there
>>would be a place where they train you in martial arts for free in
>>exchange for fighting on their behalf.   Question is, where does one
>>find such places?
> It all depends. Do you play guitar?

Oooo ... fashion police alert ...

I don't think you're reading the directions all the way through. 
Doesn't the guitar rule also say something about riding a 1967 90cc 
Yamaha, a white jet helmet with the goggles up above the visor (because 
they'd foul on the black rubber framed glasses with coke bottle lenses) 
and a 2 meter long red scarf over a brown lambskin bomber jacket while 

And Outland never struck me as a "nice," simplistic, three chord, cute 
song kinda' character.  Probably can't do The Monkey or The Twist, either.