necoandjeff wrote:

> John W. wrote:
>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>B Robson wrote:
>>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>>John W. wrote:
>>>>>>necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>>>>I mean they're a bunch of hicks living in an urban setting (far
>>>>>>>more hickish than Tokyo, by a long shot).
>>>>>>Sounds like you've picked up the Japanese distaste for all things
>>>>>My first year living in Japan was spent in Nagoya. I had no
>>>>>particular reason to dislike it until I lived in Tokyo and was able
>>>>>to compare the two. I could never live in Nagoya again and I don't
>>>>>particularly like going back to visit, although I still have a
>>>>>number of very good friends who live there.
>>>>Fuck Jeff, you dare lecture me about good spots and you couldn't
>>>>even have fun in Nagoya. I take it back, you couldn't even have a
>>>>good time in Thailand. You really are from Alabama aren't you?
>>>Where did I say I couldn't have fun in Nagoya? I had lots of fun in
>>I think when you said you could never live there again and don't like
>>going back to visit the implication was quite clear that you can't
>>have fun in Nagoya (in the present). To me it does sound like the
>>typical Japanese distaste of Nagoya.
> I disagree. All I said is that I couldn't live there. I couldn't live there
> because I think there is a much better alternative. But when I'm there I
> certainly have fun. As I said, I still have a lot of friends there. I
> couldn't go back and live with my parents again either, but that doesn't
> mean that I don't have a great time when I visit them.

Your dad is into seventh century Japanese history too? Christmas must be 
a riot.

> And I've only heard the "typical Japanese distate of Nagoya" from people who
> have actually been there. 

It's the miso.