Michael Cash wrote:
 > On Mon, 15 Aug 2005 12:49:37 +0900, CL <flothru@yahoo.com> brought
 > down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
 >> Michael Cash wrote:
 >>> On Sun, 14 Aug 2005 22:23:55 +0900, CL <flothru@yahoo.com> brought
 >>> down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
 >>>> Michael Cash wrote:
 >>>>> Do like we impoverished fuckers do; send your kids to Japanese
 >>>>> public school.
 >>>> One of the few things my missus and I can agree on without a three
 >>>> day fight first is that our kids will not speak katakanago.
 >>> Be glad they speak English at all; mine don't.
 >> Yeah, but I be's a racist ofay mofo an' I insists.
 > I'd insist to, if I thought it would do any good. You'd be amazed at
 > the long list of things I insist upon and which get totally ignored by
 > one and all. Sometimes I wonder if I even cast a fucking shadow around
 > here.

When the shades are down, the shoji is closed, and the windows are 
locked I am firmly in charge of the house.  It's the rest of the time, 
and especially when I go outside in the sunlight that the problems 
occur.  Although, I do occasionally get permission to diss someone back, 
mostly I get permission to pour another drink if I sit and drink quietly 
in the corner.