Re: Alternatives to the iPod?
Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article d73qd1$gli$, B Robson at
> wrote on 5/26/05 3:29 PM:
>>Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>in article d73ogm$g6r$, B Robson at
>>>wrote on 5/26/05 2:57 PM:
>>>>Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>>>in article d73meh$fk9$, B Robson at
>>>>>wrote on 5/26/05 2:22 PM:
>>>>>>Sigi Rindler wrote:
>>>>>>>I need some opinions on a good MP3 Player.
>>>>>>I have an iAudio and recommend them, just a matter of chosing the model
>>>>>>you want. Mine is a 20Gb hard disc unit.
>>>>>I have an iPod. Life is short, so you might as well get the best.
>>>>iAUDIO sound quality is superior, it supports more file formats and is
>>>>actually compatible with computers.
>>>>iPod is for people who buy LV hand bags.
>>>Your envy is showing.
>>Envy? My purchase was a considered transaction. Another musician and I
>>investigated and chose the iAUDIO without any prior knowledge. If I
>>wanted an iPod I would have one. I just spent 15,000 on a pair of
>>headphones so, I am not going to settle on a second rate player.
> The reason why I guessed envy is that you made an unsubstantiated subjective
> opinion,
For those of you with a cloth ear there are specific measurements of
sound quality, frequency response curves, dynamic response, and signal
to noise ratio being the most obvious. Good luck finding these on the
iPod site. Of course most iPod users use mp3 128K and so can't hear the
difference anyway.
What are you listening to at the moment? Captain and Toneil? (sp?)
>followed by a grossly inaccurate statement of fact,
Amongest other iPod does not support OGG, the best compressed sound
format (related to the above). Of course you can get a million different
Apple and Sony formats but only people with Apples would care about that.
> followed by a ridiculous characterization.
You don't think fashion is ridiculous, fine that's your idea. I buy
quality audio products, not popular brand names.
> While the issue of sound quality is debatable,
no it isn't
> the statement that it is
> "actually compatible with computers" implies that the iPod is not. Having
> used various iPods on various Macs, one of the main advantages of it is the
> way it so painlessly syncs with the Mac.
Oh Macs = computers? How's the USB support going these days? which 95%
of home computers use.
> Also, it is flexible enough to
> serve as a backup Firewire drive.
Who cares about Firewire?
> One can even put a book on it and read it.
Excellent, that'll give me something to do when it's sound quality shits me.
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