Re: Alternatives to the iPod?
Ernest Schaal wrote:
> in article d73ogm$g6r$, B Robson at
> wrote on 5/26/05 2:57 PM:
>>Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>in article d73meh$fk9$, B Robson at
>>>wrote on 5/26/05 2:22 PM:
>>>>Sigi Rindler wrote:
>>>>>I need some opinions on a good MP3 Player.
>>>>I have an iAudio and recommend them, just a matter of chosing the model
>>>>you want. Mine is a 20Gb hard disc unit.
>>>I have an iPod. Life is short, so you might as well get the best.
>>iAUDIO sound quality is superior, it supports more file formats and is
>>actually compatible with computers.
>>iPod is for people who buy LV hand bags.
> Your envy is showing.
Envy? My purchase was a considered transaction. Another musician and I
investigated and chose the iAUDIO without any prior knowledge. If I
wanted an iPod I would have one. I just spent 15,000 on a pair of
headphones so, I am not going to settle on a second rate player.
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