On Sep 11, 5:54 pm, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> John W. wrote:
> > On Sep 11, 9:54 am, CL <flot...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> I'm pretty sure that they got that group back on board when they started
> >> 24-hour operations.  That and the free WiFi so the drunks can fire up
> >> their netbooks and keitais to look at porn in low rez while stoking up
> >> the furnace for leaving that all important "salariman pizza" puke stain
> >> on the road home.
> > I went to a new half club once and it was entertaining and I've never
> > sat closer to my wife in my life.
> You went to a new half club and brought your wife ... ?

I honestly didn't know we were going there. Before we moved to the US
her coworkers wanted to take us out for a night on the town, their
treat (they were all lawyers and were quite wealthy). Evidently they
thought taking me to a new half club would be funny. At least that was
their excuse. They seemed to know the place quite well.

John W.