Re: Gifu
Kevin Gowen wrote:
> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ernest Schaal wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in article,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Cash at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote on 2/18/05 8:20 PM:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, 17 Feb 2005 06:11:53 +0900, Ernest Schaal
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <> brought down from the Mount
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> tablets
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> inscribed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Frankly, when I read your message about why you stay
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in Japan, I felt sorry
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for you. Stasis is not a fun reason to stay here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I meant it as an answer as to why Rev. Ed is still here.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But when you come right down to it, being settled in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> any location
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involves stasis. So what does it matter whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stasis has overtaken
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me here or elsewhere? I'm just as content right where
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I am right now
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> as I imagine I would be anywhere else.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry if I read too much into your answer. Stasis
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> involves conflicting
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> forces, and I took it to mean that you were caught in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the middle of those
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conflicting forces.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You are in stasis most of the time. As you sit in your
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> chair, it is pushing up against you with the exact same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> force with which gravity pulls you down.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you a good or even moderately competent lawyer? I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> certainly hope so.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sorry that I can't write a longer reply, but my chair is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pushing up against me with a force greater than that of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gravity's pull upon me, so I am slowly drifting away from
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my keyboard into the strato.......
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NOW EXPLODED.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> No, the chair is remarkably intact and continues to push up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> against me with a force that is a function of my mass times
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the acceleration of gravity.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you measure this "force" with a forcographer?
>>>>>>>>>>> I have no idea what a "forcographer" is,
>>>>>>>>>> Maybe you know it as a forcometer.
>>>>>>>>> Or a forcemeter, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>> but this force could be measured with a bathroom scale that
>>>>>>>>>>> can be purchased in any number of retail outlets. Such
>>>>>>>>>>> devices measure forces, you see.
>>>>>>>>>> no, that would measure the force exerted by you, not the chair.
>>>>>>>>> Yes, it would. The chair and I are exerting the same magnitude
>>>>>>>>> of force in opposite directions. The scale would be useless if
>>>>>>>>> this were not the case. When you step on a scale, it can only
>>>>>>>>> tell you your weight if it has a floor to push against. If you
>>>>>>>>> wish to verify this empirically, jump out of a tall window
>>>>>>>>> while standing on a scale. While I hate to ruin the experiment,
>>>>>>>>> the scale will register no weight.
>>>>>>>>> As I sit in this chair, I am at rest. This fact means that the
>>>>>>>>> net force acting upon me is zero. This means one of two things:
>>>>>>>>> 1. No forces are acting upon me.
>>>>>>>>> 2. For every force acting upon me, there is an equal and
>>>>>>>>> opposite force.
>>>>>>>>> Since even you woufld admit that gravity exerts a force upon
>>>>>>>>> me, choice #1 is clearly not true. Therefore, it must be that
>>>>>>>>> the chair is pushing on me with a force equal and opposite to
>>>>>>>>> that of gravity. Some people like to call this "Newton's Third
>>>>>>>>> Law of Motion".
>>>>>>>>> Most high school physics texts cover Newton's laws in the first
>>>>>>>>> chapter. You may wish to pick one up. Or, you could just do
>>>>>>>>> some Googling.
>>>>>>>> **high school physics texts**. Well there is the problem. Both
>>>>>>>> you and the earth are attracting each other. The chair just
>>>>>>>> happens to have gotten in the way.
>>>>>>> Which means that the chair is exerting a force. This is why
>>>>>>> chairs are useful.
>>>>>>> PWNT!
>>>>>> But you can't measure this force.
>>>>> As I have already explained, you can.
>>>>>> Mr Newton, I would like to introduce you to Mr Einstein.
>>>>> Er, ok. You're not one of those types that think Newtonian
>>>>> mechanics is "old-fashioned" and out-of-date, are you?
>>>> Yes and no. I do know how to correctly identify a mechanical physics
>>>> problem.
>>> You've done a very good job of keeping that secret.
>>>> > It's a common affliction of Star Trek fans.
>>>> Whereas Star Wars fans have it all sorted? Fine, I am neither a Star
>>>> Trek fan nor a Star Wars fan. I did see one Star Trek movie in a
>>>> cinema but I laughed at the wrong times, much like my reaction to
>>>> Star Wars.
>>> No, it's just that Star Trek tries to explain how its tech works, and
>>> throws about "quantum" every other sentence.
>>>>>> Let's do an experiment. You are sitting on your chair. It's a 5
>>>>>> legged rotating one, no arms and no fancy gas cushioning. You are
>>>>>> pressing down with 100kg. You see your "sports" bag (weighing
>>>>>> 100kg) on the ground and remember there is a Hershey bar in it.
>>>>>> You pick it up and momentarily there is 400kg pushing downo on the
>>>>>> chair (you + the bag + the acceleration of lifting the bag)
>>>>>> [ignore the massive fart you let rip - too hard to measure].
>>>>> I don't know where 200 kg of mass magically appeared from. Your
>>>>> experiment has violated the First Law of Thermodynamics, thereby
>>>>> shaking the very foundation of physics.
>>>> Nice try but I didn't say "200kg of mass".
>>> Yes, but it would have been better if you did.
>> No. It's 200kg of force not mass.
> Why do you insist on using kilograms as units of mass?
Because (kilo)grams are the SI for mass.
>> This force comes from accleration. Newton's First? F=ma.
> Yes, in which m is mass in kilograms and F is force in newtons.
F can be pounds, dynes (?) ie dynometer, kiloponds, kilograms-force.
>>>> In fact I clearly refered to "the acceleration of lifting the bag".
>>>> The bathroom scales you suggested to use would measure this.
>>> Unfortunately, acceleration is not measured in kilograms.
>> Which is why I said "acceleration of lifting the bag". F=ma. Or as I
>> wrote it F=am. Due to the associative nature of multiplication ma=am.
> Saying "The acceleration of lifting the bag is 200 kg" makes the
> proposition no less asinine.
Accerlating the bag creates a force. Stand on your bathroom
scales and jump up. Watch the dial go off the scale (pun
intended) before breaking when you come down.
>>> The scale displays kilgrams because it divides the force measured by
>>> the acceleration of gravity. This is done through Newton's Second Law.
>> So if we took it to Mars it would work?
> Sure, so long as the scale was calibrated so that is assumed g=3.71
> m/s^2 instead of g=9.8 m/s^2
bzzzt. I couldn't be "calibrated".
>>>>>> You put the bag on your lap. There is now 200kg pushing down. The
>>>>>> phone rings and you rotate in your chair and the bag falls off.
>>>>>> There is now 100kg pushing down on the chair. Why aren't you
>>>>>> ejected into space when you drop the bag? Surely the chair was
>>>>>> pushing up with 200kg.So this magic chair has pushed up with
>>>>>> 100kg, rising to 400kg then 200kg, then suddenly back down to
>>>>>> 100kg. Suddenly the chair gives way and collapses. You are now
>>>>>> sitting on a pile of cloth,plastic and metal - but this magic
>>>>>> chair is still pushing up with 100kg of force.
>>>>> A kilogram is not a unit of force; it is a unit of mass. I believe
>>>>> the term you want is "newton". I could understand your hypothetical
>>>>> better if you did not insist on using units of mass as if they were
>>>>> units of force.
>>>> If that is the case, why did you suggest using a spring based device
>>>> to measure the downward force
>>> Because I have heard of Hooke's Law.
>> But not the gravitional constant apparently.
>>>> when the correct way to measure force is it's effect on moving *a*
>>>> body of mass?
>>> It's "effect"? I don't even know what that is supposed to mean. Who
>>> says that a mass acted upon by a force must be in motion? Push
>>> against a building as hard as you can. The building does not move,
>>> but you are still exerting a force upon it.
>> F=ma
>> (I've highlighted the definite article to draw attention to your
>> misreading)
> "A" is the indefinite article, but I digress. F=ma does not mean that an
> object with a force must be in motion.
You measure a force by it's effect on changing the velocity of a
object of known mass.
>>> A similar example is one that might finally educate you. Two men of
>>> equal strength play a match of tug-of-war. The rope's midpoint
>>> doesn't move, but the two men are exerting forces. Equal and opposite
>>> forces.
>> Very good, the opposite of my example of Yumiko Shaku and me. But by
>> your chair reasoning (now called Gowen's Postulate) you'd say the rope
>> is pulling them together and the rope is providing exactly the right
>> amount of pull.
> No. One man is gravity pulling down, while the other is the chair
> pushing up.
With it's magic up force. Of course as we have already
established, the is also pushing down with the same force
(ignoring the chair's weight). We do /vector arithmetic/ and
these two chair vectors disappear. But still you are sitting in a
chair and it is still pushing down on the ground.
Now it's time for Newton's Universal Law of Gravity and the chair
vectors disappear.
>> In fact you could use a spring measuring device and Hooke's Law to
>> calculate this pulling force.
> Yes, much like a spring-based scale measures weight based on a
> compression force.
>>>> Regardless, kilograms and pounds are used to measure force (eg the
>>>> Pratt and Whitney F100s produce 25,000 **pounds** of thrust).
>>> Gee, how many kilograms of thrust would that be?
>> I'm sorry but we stopped using Imperial measurements last century. I
>> do know that the answer would be tons not kilograms.
> I had no idea that the kilogram was an Imperial unit.
apparently pounds are.
>>> But, here's a good question for you (with round numbers for
>>> simplicity): A Pratt F100 is traveling at a constant velocity of 200
>>> m/s as its engines produce 25,000 pounds of thrust. What is the force
>>> of aerodynamic drag on the jet?
>>> If a kilogram is used as a unit of force, that is nonsensical, and
>>> would render Newton's Second Law useless. The folks at BIMP seem to
>>> agree:
>> Don't tell them that Dassault quote their aircraft thrust in (metric)
>> tons. The French hissy fit would be funny. The European Space Agency
>> can't make up it's mind if it's rockets produce newtons or tons of
>> thrust.
> Don't forget to answer my problem about the Pratt. You won't even need a
> calculator.
How many pounds in a kilogram?
Don't forget to tell all the European aerospace agencies not to
use tonnes. Maybe Jason could translate a letter for you to write
to Mr Dassault.
>>>> Or are you planning on leaving the surface of the earth to perform
>>>> your experiments elsewhere? That would be interesting because then
>>>> we would have to simulate gravity using a large rubber band wrapped
>>>> around you and the chair. Is the chair now pushing up (towards you)?
>>> With the same force I am pushing "down" on it (although "up" and
>>> "down" are meaningless in free fall).
>>>>>> How does this magic chair keep pushing up with the exact amount of
>>>>>> force required?
>>>>> Newton's Third Law. It's the same thing that makes rockets work.
>>>> So why didn't you blast off when the extra weight was removed from
>>>> the chair?
>>> Newton's Third Law.
>> Just like rockets?
> Sure.
I hope Nth Korea doesn't manage to harnass the chair. None of us
would be safe.
>>>> Where did all that extra *force* from the chair go?
>>> I knew that Newton's Third Law was poorly understood, but this is
>>> ridiculous. There was no "extra" force.
>> At one point there was 200kg or if you prefer 400N (round figures) of
>> upward pressure.
> 400N from 200kg sitting on a chair? What planet is this? Certainly not
> Earth.
you farted.
>> Then suddenly there was only 100N. You have Newton back to front. You
>> think that because something is at rest all forces acting on it must
>> be equal and opposite so you have to invent fictious forces to satisfy
>> your model of what is happening.
> Actually, there is such a thing as a fictious force, but not in my
> hypothetical. A person sitting in a chair is subject to two equal and
> opposite forces: gravity's downward pull and the chair's upward push.
>> What you fail to realise is that gravity acts like a rubber band
>> between the centers of mass of the two objects, you and the earth. The
>> chair is completely irrelevant, it is experiencing force but it is not
>> generating any.
> I see, it is "experiencing" force (whatever that means). If the chair is
> exerting no force, what keeps me from falling?
Elektronenabsfoss Kraft. However we are, or at least I am, using
classic physics.
>>>> Now let's use the bathroom scales again as they are a useful tool
>>>> for measuring force on earth. We can calculate your mass using
>>>> other techniques so we can accept (for this hypothetical) that you
>>>> weigh 100kg. We place the scales under you to measure the force of
>>>> your mass pushing down and we know it is 100kg. But if the chair was
>>>> pushing up with 100kg then it should measure 200kg?
>>> You ask a question like that, and you broadcast that you don't know
>>> what a vector is.
>> I know what a vector is, I just refuse to invent a fictious one to
>> satisify the inappropriate use on Newton.
> I see. You don't.
>>> Why do you insist on using a kilogram as unit of force? But that is
>>> besides the point.
>> OK Kilopond if you prefer, although it's a digusting word. Can we
>> agree on kilogram-force.
> Flip-flop! But, yes.
>>> If my mass is 100kg, then I am pushing down on the scale with 980
>>> newtons.
>> At the same time, the scale is pushing up on me with -980
>>> newtons. Thus, the net force acting upon me is zero. That is why I am
>>> at rest. If the chair/floor/whatever were not exerting a force
>>> opposite in direction to that of gravity, I would be in free fall...
>> through the chair?
> Or through anything. If nothing is exerting a force opposite to that a
> gravity, why aren't I in free fall?
The earth is pushing up. A very simple concept but too advanced
for your highschool physics.
>>>> Now let's put another set of bathroom scales under the chair. It is
>>>> showing 110kg (the chair and other scales are 10kg). So the chair is
>>>> pushing up with 100kg to balance you and down with 110kg. This chair
>>>> is pushing both up and down.
>>> The chair has always been pushing both up and down.
>> it's magic (still laughing)
> Carry on.
>>>> How does that work? Oh yes Newtons 3rd. Sorry, unlike in law you
>>>> have to describe what is happening, not just act and section.
>>> It works quite simply.
>>> The scale between me and the chair registers 980 newtons as always.
>>> Gravity pulls down my mass with a force of 980 newtons, and it pushes
>>> up with -980 newtons, for a net force of zero.
>>> The scale between the floor and me, the chair, and the scale
>>> registers 1078 newtons. This is because the sum of the mass resting
>>> upon it (me, chair, and first scale) is 110 kilograms. At the same
>>> time, the floor pushes upon the scale with -1078 newtons, giving a
>>> net force of zero.
>>>> Quite simply, it is the earth pushing "up" not the chair or more
>>>> accurately like Yumiko and me,mutal attraction.
>>> No, it's really the chair, or balcony, or whatever you happening to
>>> be sitting or standing upon that pushes up on you. The fact that the
>>> earth's mass is the source of the acceleration of gravity does not
>>> mean that the earth is pushing up against you.
>> Even Newton (RIP) understood that it is the earth and you attracting
>> each other.
> And he understood that the chair pushes up with a force equal and
> opposite to that of gravity.
No he didn't. He understood what was happening.
>>>> You can actually find this in Newton if you look closely but until
>>>> Einstein, people just sort of ignored it. Newton, himself,
>>>> regardless of falling apples, was not comfortable with gravity.
>>> Comfort is irrelevant. The purpose of science is to describe the
>>> universe, not to make scientists comfortable.
>> au contraire. These discomforts are what lead Einstein to revist
>> Newton, and more recently, scientists to revist Einstein.
> I have no idea what "revist" is, but the purpose of science is to
> describe the universe, not to make people comfortable.
>>>>>> It's simple but you have to realise most of what you were taught
>>>>>> at highschool was wrong. First year university physics is mostly
>>>>>> relearning what you were taught at school.
>>>>> I took college physics in high school by taking what is known as an
>>>>> "AP" class. I passed the exam at year's end and entered college
>>>>> with physics credit. Even in non-AP high school physics, I am
>>>>> pretty sure they teach SI units.
>>>> What has SI got to do with it?
>>> See above links. A kilogram is a unit of mass, not force.
>>>> It's my understanding that 1st university in America is eqivalent to
>>>> Year 12 of school (final year of highschool) in Australia.
>>> Yes, but it is also your understanding that a kilogram is a unit of
>>> force.
>> I never said that.
> Sure, like when you said gems likes "the chair was pushing up with 200kg".
That is why we need "pushing up" up make it a vector.
When I was looking for my music technology magazine I was amazed
at the number of Star Wars magazine polluting the area. I opened
one at random and found a question like "At the beginning of
episode 1 there are several space ships around Naboo but at the
end there are none". I can't remember the scene, in fact I can't
even remember what episode 1 was about. However I couldn't help
reading that question in the voice of Simpsons' Comic Book Guy.
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