Re: Gifu
Kevin Gowen wrote:
> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>> necoandjeff wrote:
>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>> necoandjeff wrote:
>>>>> Ron Hitler Barrassi wrote:
>>>>>>>> Nice try but I didn't say "200kg of mass".
>>>>>>> Yes, but it would have been better if you did.
>>>>>> No. It's 200kg of force not mass. This force comes from
>>>>>> accleration. Newton's First? F=ma.
>>>>> Hey Brett. Even Kevin's little poodle understands that you have
>>>>> consistently been talking about mass as if it were a force. Mass is
>>>>> measured in kilograms buddy., acceleration is measured in meters per
>>>>> second squared, and force is measured in Newtons (not,
>>>>> unfortunately, Einsteins, though we may understand if you were
>>>>> confused by this.) A Newton is, surprisingly enough, equal to the
>>>>> force required to accelerate 1 kilogram, one meter per second
>>>>> squared, as suggested by F=ma. It's good of you to throw out that
>>>>> equation 3 or 4 times in the same thread, but you might want to take
>>>>> the time to understand it first. Arf, arf!!
>>>> g=1
>>> That was a beautiful butsurigaku non-sequitor, Brett.
>> It's not a non-sequitor if you understand what g is. And know it's value.
> Yes. For some reason, you think g=1. I have no idea what you think g is,
> though.
>> It's also not a non-sequitor if you know that multiplication by a
>> constant is.
>> It's not a non-sequitor if you know that force is often expressed in
>> kilograms (or tonnes). More accurately, kilogram-force or kilopond but
>> more commonly just kilogram. If it's good enough for Dassault Mirage,
>> it's good enough for me.
>> It's not a non-sequitor if you know that multiplying a scalar by a
>> vector gives you a vector.
>> "You are pressing down with 100kg". "Down" is a vector.
> "Down" has no magnitude therefore "down" is not a vector.
You probably also think 0 is not a scalar.
Below you wrote F= 978.38 newtons. F is a vector where is the
>> It's only a non-sequitor if you want to distract from the fact that
>> 5yen is inventing magical vectors to satisfy a highschool level
>> mis-understanding of classical physics. Much like your highschool
>> mis-understanding of fluid dynamics.
>> It doesn't matter in this example anyway because mass *is* force.
> No, mass is not force.
You stopped reading too soon.
>> Gravity is the property of mass and can be defined completely without
>> any other reference.
>>The acceleration of gravity is also completely
>> irrelevant. The force exterted between our 100kg 5yen and earth is
>> derived by this formula
>> F=6.67x10^-11 * m1 * m2 / r^2
>> where m1=100,000 and m2 is the mass of the earth (in grams), r is
>> distance. As you can see chairs have nothing to do with it.
> Actually, in that equation, the masses for "m" are in kilograms. I'll
> show you how it works.
> Remember when I said that gravity's pulls with a force of 980 newtons on
> a person with a mass of 100 kg?
> F = (6.67e-11)(100)(5.97e24)/(6.38e6)^2
> F = 3.982e16/4.07e13
> F= 978.38 newtons
Very good. How is that expressed as a force vector? Now you need
to read Newton's law of gravity to apply that to get past your
highschool physics. Here is a good quote:
"Certainly gravity is a force which exists between the Earth and
the objects which are near it. As you stand upon the Earth, you
experience this force. We have become accustomed to calling it
the force of gravity and have even represented it by the symbol
Fgrav. Most students of physics progress at least to this level
of sophistication concerning the notion of gravity."
Gowen seems to have got to that stage, now he just needs to try
to work out what a chair has got to do with the attraction of
earth and him. The first step would be to realise that his
primitive concept of 3 dimensional vectors can't describe the
mutal attraction of two bodies.
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