Re: Best book about life in Japan
John Yamamoto-Wilson wrote:
> Shannon Jacobs wrote:
>>It's so bad that you want to believe the author's identity (Uris)
>>has been taken over by a tedious impostor of some sort.
> Leon Uris? What's the title? And what's so bad about it. I have at least two
> books that are stunningly bad, and am thinking of starting a collection.
> Seriously.
If you truly want bad, here's another candidate for your collection
(stolen from another list):
deeptrace writes "A group of SF writers all submitted purposely
awful stories to a publisher that purported to publish only
selected high quality works. They created the worst story they
could come up with, and it was accepted for publication." Their
press release is pretty funny -- and if you'd like a sample of
their insane prose, it's available through the book's Lulu
site. (Where, Yes, you could also buy the whole thing.)
Press release:
Read excerpts and buy the book:
Read reviews and download the book:
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