"Ron Hitler Barrassi" wrote ...
> Paul Blay wrote:
>> "Ron Hitler Barrassi" wrote ...
>>> keep that in mind all you hippies
>> I think you should trim your moustache.
> I am not gay. I don't have a moustache.

Wasn't it small square and black? 
>>  You just lost the brain
>> energy needed to remember sentences start with a capital letter and 
>> finish with a full stop (or other suitable punctuation
>> mark).
> Perhaps it wasn't a sentence?

Of course it wasn't a sentence.  It didn't start with a capital letter and 
finish with a full stop (or other suitable punctuation mark).

Now it it wasn't _intended_ to be a sentence I can only assume you
were adding random words to the end of your posts in an attempt to
foil anti-spam filters while multiposting.

ebullient Francoise cromulent pixie diving tax