Re: I'm Usama bin Laden, and I approved this message
Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
> Rykk Adams wrote:
>> Eric Takabayashi wrote:
>> > Because criminals are criminals.
>> >
>> > Do you claim the US government is a criminal?
>> Sorry, those statements make no sense. They do not address my statement at
>> all.
> Why does the fact criminals are criminals, there are millions of criminals, or
> that the US government is not a criminal, not address your question? Why are
> you so certain even the US government given undue authority, will abuse it,
Well, it couldn't be because they rounded up Japanese-Americans en masse
and threw 'em into concentration camps, nor could it be that a
President (Nixon) authorized burglaries and break ins to get at his
political enemies, nor could it be that another President (Jackson)
marched a bunch of Indians off their land, despite a Supreme Court
ruling that this could not be done, nor could it be because state
governments (to bring the scale down) made it illegal in many states to
marry out of one's race, nor could it be that it's rather routine to
see/hear of government officials, "advisors", etc., illegally using
their "influence".
Do you actually not have access to newspapers?
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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