Eric Takabayashi <> wrote:
> wrote:

>> OK, so it's a problem that you don't know the details of everyone's
>> private life?

> No, my point is we don't know the "truth",

So, your point is that life doesn't come pre-scripted?

> record books, so this "metaphysical" argument is strange.

Then stop making it.

>> Have you ever really thought about this? For example, how many cameras
>> would you need for a SMALL, compact city, and how much would it cost?
>> I'll give you an easy example; try San Francisco, OK?

> A bare minimum could be the same as the number of people,
>and a simple system would cost thousands of dollars each.

So, for a SMALL city, you seriously propose spending AT LEAST $1 B just
on cameras, not including storage space/equipment for data and data
retrieval, people to monitor this, etc. And that's just for setup.

Surely, you can see a tiny, itty-bitty problem here, yes?

>> > Then what do you mean DNA testing for convictions?
>> Actually, had you been reading this, you would have noted that at first
>> I said DNA tests for all convicted.

> No, you said DNA tests for all "convictions".

No, you are lagging a coupla posts behind. Also, you have the statement
above. That's twice I've stated it.

>> Or if they're watching you on camera. Goverments never fabricate cases,
>> after all. Would be entirely too convenient to place DNA evidence at a
>> scene if they didn't like you, so of course they'd never do it.

> How could they do that when they're being watched themselves?

So who watches them? You?

>> > How much should a wrongly convicted man get instead of the $40 in his pocket,
>> Sorry, I answered your question.

> You press me for details. 

The 'details' you're being pressed for will turn out to be money
exceeding the entire US GDP.

As for this convict, the amount of money varies. Again, a tweak in the
system, not a trashing of it.

>> > In practice. Correct.
>> Which is simply stupid; do the calculation above WRT San Francisco.

> Actually putting "innocent" people in jail or even executing them,

Excuse me, follow the calculation. You haven't. I did a preliminary for

> How much should wrongly jailed people or their survivors get,

Depends on the amount of time they've done, etc.

Again, this is variable already.
