Ryan Ginstrom wrote:

> I agree -- most of the really good mat fighters are older.
> I think that at least in the case of judo, part of this is because of the
> judo life cycle. You start with competition -- in Japan, just about the only
> way to gain dan rank until about 5th dan -- then as you get older, you turn
> more to newaza, the kata, the philisophical aspects of judo, and the like.
> Another reason is because (I think) newaza neutralizes the speed advantage
> more, thus it is easier for "old" people (30 and up) to hang.
> I have had the honor of being taught by a 9th dan in his 80s. Being taught
> newaza by him was mind blowing.

I did a google to find out what newaza is and found a site of
male erotica
