Kevin Gowen wrote:
> Ryan Ginstrom wrote:
>>"mukade" <> wrote in message
>>>I think what Kevin is trying to say is, although parents may have
>>>spent a long time choosing a name, most people pay little attention to
>>>its meaning. Many people would be unable to tell you the meaning
>>>without asking their parents.
>>I think that what Kevin was trying to do was get somebody asking a stupid
>>question to say something stupid to the girl he has a crush on.
> Ryan wins again, fans!

Interesting how everyone seems to know what Gowen was trying to
do. More interesting is that everyone has different ideas.

>>And if Brett had gotten over his intense dislike of Kevin, we could have
>>strung this out into a fun little thread.
> I wish I knew what I did to make him go cuckoo,

My wings are like a shield of steel.

> ... because then I would do it to more people.

That is exactly it, fatboy. Why don't you pop over to
alt.low-carb and tell your old friends you were too fat to get
into the marines.

My wings are like a shield of steel.

>>Incidentally, I know the real reason why Brett hates Kevin: Kevin is
>>probably the only person in fjlij -- male or female -- with more chest hair
>>than Brett.
> Also, I was never greeted by an empty school on field trip day. This is
> because I read the notices on the bulletin board in the 職員室, which
> the staff rudely wrote in Japanese only. Oh, and I was always invited
> along. This is because I am quite charming.

Oh, don't wound me. You cruel, cruel person. As I have said
before hang on to your Japanese skills, it's the only thing
you've got. Maybe you could get a job at Disney World(?).
"Minna-san kite ne". (insert appropriate keigo)