Re: Initial impressions from the Japanese premier of Fahrenheit 9/11
On 20 Aug 2004 20:05:44 -0700, John W. ...
> wrote in message
>> John W. <> wrote:
>>> wrote in message
>> > I have yet to see a reason justifying it that I can buy into. The
>> > security excuse was always dodgy, and then the combination of the
>> > humanitarian reason made it worse because for both those reasons North
>> > Korea is a much bigger threat. I guarantee that had we let things run
>> Yes, but they have nukes, and a touchy China on their northern border.
>> Iraq or Iran presented easier targets.
>They have nukes now, maybe. They almost certainly didn't have them
>when we were planning our war with Iraq, but they do have real weapons
>of mass destruction, unlike Iraq. But that might have been part of the
>I honestly believe China wouldn't do too much.
I disagree, the threat of US forces doing their "police" work on their border
was waht brpught them into the Korean non-war police action conflict.
> Personally I figure if Bush gets reelected Iran will be put on
>a countdown timer.
Better the US drops a few big bombs than Israel. Or on the other hand ...
Triangle Man hates Person Man
They have a fight,
Triangle wins.
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