wrote in message news:<cg52nb$4v0$1@news.Stanford.EDU>...
> Michael Cash <> wrote:
> > On Fri, 20 Aug 2004 06:14:25 +0900, "Shannon Jacobs"
> > <> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
> >>Duh, did anyone else see Fahrenheit 9/11 in Japan? Any interest in the
> >>actual issues discussed there? The main one was the rather serious question
> >>of whether or not the anti-Saddam war was justified.
> > It was justified. That does not, however, mean it was a good idea.
> I never had a real problem with the war, per se. I just fail to see why
> we needed to isolate ourselves, and never saw any evidence that they
> thought through the process of rebuilding Iraq. That makes the war
> a Bad Idea, however laudable the goal of ripping off Saddam & Sons' 
> heads and sticking them on pikes.
I have yet to see a reason justifying it that I can buy into. The
security excuse was always dodgy, and then the combination of the
humanitarian reason made it worse because for both those reasons North
Korea is a much bigger threat. I guarantee that had we let things run
their course in a year or so of real, honest to goodness pressyre Iraq
would have pulled a Libya (but Libya might not have).

John W.