John W. <> wrote:
> wrote in message news:<cg5p2g$ivj$2@news.Stanford.EDU>...
>> John W. <> wrote:
>> > wrote in message news:<cg52nb$4v0$1@news.Stanford.EDU>...
>> > I have yet to see a reason justifying it that I can buy into. The
>> > security excuse was always dodgy, and then the combination of the
>> > humanitarian reason made it worse because for both those reasons North
>> > Korea is a much bigger threat. I guarantee that had we let things run
>> Yes, but they have nukes, and a touchy China on their northern border.
>> Iraq or Iran presented easier targets.

> They have nukes now, maybe. They almost certainly didn't have them

Almost certainly, and they have ballistic missiles.

> when we were planning our war with Iraq, but they do have real weapons
> of mass destruction, unlike Iraq. But that might have been part of the
> point.

> I honestly believe China wouldn't do too much. For starters North
> Korea presents them with some prickly problems, not the least of which
> is the refugee crisis. Also, if China did wage war against us (and

War against us? Whatever for?

No, CHINA would claim umbrage, cry foul, and reluctantly reach an
"agreement" with the US vz the status of Taiwan if we took on N Korea.
All because they're peace-loving Maoist, at heart.

They're not stupid, you know.
