Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:
> On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 13:25:08 +0000 (UTC), mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net
> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:

>>Michael Cash <mikecash@buggerallspammers.com> wrote:
>>> On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 00:05:52 +0000 (UTC), mtfester@netMAPSONscape.net
>>> brought down from the Mount tablets inscribed:
>>>>No, there is some question as to how deserving he was of his medals.
>>>>That is rather immaterial to me. 
>>> Sorry, but there *is* some question about the nature of his service,
>>> and not just the medals.
>>So, he DIDN'T serve in the military? DIDN'T go to Vietnam?
>>Wow, that IS news; got a source for that?

> News to me too. Where did you read that?

In your post, apparently; or did you mean something else by "nature of
his service", after I already stated I didn't care about the medals?
