On Nov 26, 7:28 pm, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (Obakesan) wrote:
> In article <45188190-6a61-4b0e-ad58-15701a668...@s12g2000prg.googlegroups.com>, Ken Y-N <se...@whatjapanthinks.com> wrote:
> >On Nov 23, 3:22 pm, pellicleund...@hotmail.com (Obakesan) wrote:
> >> HiYa
> >> In article <26mdnXuDlZxe_NvanZ2dnUVZ_uDin...@giganews.com>, Scott Reynolds
> >> <scottr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> >> Did it die or something?
> >> >No, but it appears to be gravely ill, sad to say.
> >> probably cos theres no web interface to make it slower. The latest gen seems
> >> unaware of anything so mundane as NNTP
> >My ISP doesn't even have a NNTP server these days!
> yes, but was it the lack of usage that caused the drop of NNTP provision, or
> the lack of NNTP provision that saw the drop in usage??

Or possibly the loss of the lovely free German news-server. We are
nothing if not a cheap lot. And traffic in sci.lang.japan hasn't
dropped by anywhere near as much.