Re: Hello
Declan Murphy wrote:
> On Nov 26, 7:28 pm, (Obakesan) wrote:
>> In article <>, Ken Y-N <> wrote:
>>> On Nov 23, 3:22 pm, (Obakesan) wrote:
>>>> HiYa
>>>> In article <>, Scott Reynolds
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>> Did it die or something?
>>>>> No, but it appears to be gravely ill, sad to say.
>>>> probably cos theres no web interface to make it slower. The latest gen seems
>>>> unaware of anything so mundane as NNTP
>>> My ISP doesn't even have a NNTP server these days!
>> yes, but was it the lack of usage that caused the drop of NNTP provision, or
>> the lack of NNTP provision that saw the drop in usage??
> Or possibly the loss of the lovely free German news-server. We are
> nothing if not a cheap lot. And traffic in sci.lang.japan hasn't
> dropped by anywhere near as much.
On the other hand, soc.culture.japan.moderated is even worse off than we
are over here. Aside from repostings of the FAQ (which hasn't been
updated for years) there are no posts in there at all.
So things could be worse, I suppose.
Scott Reynolds
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