Re: home building
"Hibijibi" <> wrote in message
> I would like to think so, but have come to the conclusion that a
> *successful* fusion of the two is not realistically possible since the
> underlying philosophies diverge in so many areas. Sure, you can glue on
> some western-looking siding and call it an american home, but what really
> makes it so is 2x4 construction vs. post+ beam and it's just not
> to mix two styles of construction in the same building. Sure, you can
Here in okinawa, there are basically two styles of construction currently in
practice: cinder blocks and steel-reinforced concrete. Not a lot of worry
about earthquakes down here, but if one hits, it will probably be a doozy.
OTOH, you don't see as much damage from typhoons here as on the mainland,
despite their increased frequency and force.
Ryan Ginstrom
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