"necoandjeff" <spam@schrepfer.com> wrote in message
> "Ryan Ginstrom" <ginstrom@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> news:c6pc8b$elftd$1@ID-101276.news.uni-berlin.de...
> <snip>
> So the rumor is true then. Gaijin can no longer take their (for example)
> U.S. drivers license and do a simple kakikae anymore as I did about 12
> ago.
> >
> Jeff

Its true.
 I suppose if your from a country that insists on driving on the wrong side
of the road what do you expect?  ;)

UK licenses are the most respected in the world. (probably).

The world revolves around us and rightly so.

Incidently I tried to get my licence swapped but they couldnt work out the
new style  photo id type that the UK had just brought out at the time. If Id
shown them my old style paper one (no photo) they would have done it on the
spot.   Theres inteligence for ya.