Re: [OT] the disappointment of Spain
> Of course I'm still practicing judo, no longer competing - just teaching,
> coaching and refereeing.
> Thanks for thinking of me. I never left, just quiet.
Thanks. Hitoshi send regards to you. He has improved his english a lot.
> There was no misunderstanding, Angel. You were very clear.
Reading your next paragraph, I am sure you missunderstood my words.
> What I found to
> be painful was your lack of empathy for your friend going through a tough
> time. In the midst of a very dark hour, I found that story about Jeremy
> Glick, the collegiate judo champion who gave his life fighting terrorists
> save others. Unfortunately, he couldn't fly that doomed plane, but he did
> have fighting skills and COJONES to save others. You see, after talking
> the airplane phone with his wife, he knew what their intentions were. I
> SO PROUD to come share that story on this newsgroup and you just threw it
> back in my face - questioning his heroics and that of his fellow
> that fought back. You claimed it was merely an attempt to sell
> How callous. I'd still like to know what makes a hero in YOUR book?
I NEVER said that Jeremy did that in order to have some words in newspapers.
I NEVER said that Jeremy did that to selling more newspapers. What I said is
that it wasn't the moment of telling stories about heroes because hundred of
people were killed. Newspapers took that story as a show, If you asked me.
Besides, someone took advantage of that and founded a fondation to earn
money. That was I didn't agree with. Of course, his action was so brave and
proud. But what happened after was what I didn't like. You took that as a
personal offense and it wasn't my intention at all. Maybe my english is not
good enough.
If you want to understand, it would be a good beginning. I'll do my best . I
can't do nothing more.
Best regards
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