Jigotai wrote:

>>The strategy spelled out in the document calls for using terrorist attacks
> to
>>oust Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar's Partido Popular from power and
> replace
>>it with the Socialists.
> Funny... so funny indeed.
>>That, in turn, was expected to drive a wedge between Washington and Madrid
> and
>>result in the withdrawal of Spanish military forces from Iraq.
>>"We think the Spanish government will not stand more than two blows, or
> three
>>at the most, before it will be forced to withdraw because of the public
>>pressure on it," the al Qaeda document says.
>>"If its forces remain after these blows, the victory of the Socialist
> Party
>>will be almost guaranteed -- and the withdrawal of Spanish forces will be
> on
>>its campaign manifesto."
>><end of quote>
> Could you tell me where you have found that rubbish?

>>The Spanish voters have given al Qaeda a victory and shown they have no
> cojones.
> It is not a question of cojones. It is a question of not supporting war.
> Regards
> Angel

If you had quoted the whole thing and not just a piece you would have seen it 
was CNN.

Here is the link:


Yes, it is a matter of cojones. You gave al Qaeda exactly what they were 
looking for at a very high cost. What are the figures now? 200+ dead and 
around 1500 wounded?
