> By cowering to the actions of terrorists, Spain has made the world a much
> more dangerous place to live.

Where do you come from now? USA gouvernemet begun the war in Irak... from
this day on, wordl is much more dangerous. As you will know, Aznar
gouvernement has been defeated at DEMOCRATIC elections. We Spanish people
only want PEACE.

> I could not understand the way Jigotai (Angel) attacked Judoka (Mike) in
> wake of 911.  I found his insensitive remarks in the wake of such horror
> uncomprehendable.  Now when Spain gets a taste of this terror, it cries
> MAITE!  I see now that when the going gets tough, the Spanish get going
> (tail tucked between their legs).

I never attacked Mike. He was my friend (and I hope he remember me for the
old daus). I only told was that it seemed to me that make histories about
heroes judokas saving a flight was nor suitable. If Mike felt I attacked, it
wasn't my intention. I only said my opinion about terrorism and war.
Beginning a war against a country because 911 is not fair. Spanish
gouvernement (Aznar gouvernement) supported the war in Irak. Spanish people
didn't want war. However, Spanish army is in Irak. So, inmediately, we
became a target for islamic terrorism (as I said on 2001). Spain is in the
middle of America and arabs country. It is easiest to attack Spain that USA.
Is it a sin to want peace? Is it a sin to believe in United Nations?

Don't forget Spain has tasted terror for more than 30 years Get informed
before you write...


To desqualify somebody in judo, three referees have to agree.

Best regards
