USA gouvernemet begun the war in Irak... from
> this day on, wordl is much more dangerous. As you will know, Aznar
> gouvernement has been defeated at DEMOCRATIC elections. We Spanish people
> only want PEACE.

And what about FREEDOM?

America has 130,000 soldiers in the region right now, a hundred times the
number of our supposed "ally" Spain.

If that's the most we can expect from our close friend and supporter, the
token Euro country that Bush was holding on to to make his case that this
was some sort of "global coalition," then who needs them?

A friend of mine who recently returned from duty in Iraq had the opportunity
to work with some Spanish "soldiers" and relayed hilarious accounts of an
inept, pampered and spoiled bunch of tourists on a worthless mission of
showing up to the scene of a finished battle and then returning to the
safety of Kuwait within hours. Their entire time there is spent in the
shadows, under the heels and in the way of the real troops doing the real
work. And it's said that they get real whiny if they don't have

Get them out of there. Spain has no army. Turkey is more of an ally than
Spain. Spain is now socialist, thanks to al-Qaeda, and can take its place
among Germany and France as Old Europe.

Who knows why Jos