"M_SHIRAISHI" <eurms@apionet.or.jp> wrote in message news:800c7853.0402070753.53dcc709@posting.google.com...
> 桃の木あっこ <whiteboard21@carrot.ocn.ne.jp> wrote in message news:<bvtfle$p6r$1@news-est.ocn.ad.jp>...
> > "shuji matsuda" <shuji__matsuda@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > news:br79ar$49ci$1@ID-37799.news.uni-berlin.de...
> > > In article <br4sdq$tti$1@news-est.ocn.ad.jp>,
> > > v(^-^)v〜♪♭ <whiteboard21@carrot.ocn.ne.jp> wrote:
> >  
> > >   "good or wrong" is better than "right or wrong"
> > >
> > > と言っておきながら、次は
> > >
> > >    "right or bad" と"good or wrong"
> > >
> > > の話をbecauseで結ぶ所。論理が一貫できないのでしょうか?
> > >
> > > :                  IT'S A SENSE !
> > >
> > > なるほどねえ。
> > 
> > 
> > Yes ! Yes ! Yes ! Yes !
> > 
> >   " IT'S  A  SENSE ! "
> > 
> > Your NARROW SENSE consists in where you think or consider with the 
> > EXTERNAL GIVEN MEANING (in Japanese) and but with the INTERNAL 
> > FROM -THE - FIRST MEANING (in nature). Shortly this is the proof that
> > aufully you lack ability to think or consider . And now the SILLY AND 
> > STUPID THINGS have been told by you shamelessly.
> > 
> > I'm afraid the following confession by me is too late by now. The fact is
> > this. "Right to wrong and good to bad " are known to everybody already 
> > at least as a word or in "Japanese JYUKEN". But actually it never is .
> > And I cast my FISHING LINE with THE BITE and as expected you have 
> > pulled it and just bitten more than you can chew with a triumphant air.
> > 
> > Ultimately your too many words are never advisable for me this time 
> > as long as you can't answer the third of my following question mach 
> > with your claiming to others:
> > 
> >   " What is the purpose of talking about GOOD OR WRONG English ? "
> > 
> > Many and many times I would say that no one can precisely tell "bad "
> > or "right" to others negatively but affirmatively.  More I would say , 
> > "In English to make ourselves understood somehow or other is just
> > important . And except for which ANYTHING WILL DO ! "
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > v(^-^)v~pupu !
> > 
> > 
> > v(^-^)v~pupu ! さん、ミスがあったから直してあげたね。おっほほほ。
> ミスだらけで、どこから手をつけていいやらワカランがな。 ヽ(^。^)ノ
