"Haluk Skywalker" <yokoolebiri@spam.net> wrote in message
> Look what I found and don't piss your BYJW off:
> Divorce your Japanese wife - and lose your kids
> IT'S 'Bye bye, children' if you are a foreigner going through a divorce in
> Japan.

I wonder what the situation is for foreign wives of Japanese nationals.
Something tells me that the Japanese parent will always have the advantage.

Simple rules of course.  Don't marry a 'nutter'.  Don't get obsessed with
your wife taking your family name or the fact that your children will also
have a different family name.  Register your child's birth in your home
country - there you can call him/her whatever you like (though for UKland
you'll need the mother's consent if the name is different). Oh yeah...and
don't marry a 'nutter'...

"Never give a nutter to ducks"