Re: I've finally figured this puppy out
"Raj Feridun" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 24 Nov 2003 17:22:57 +0900, "Ryan Ginstrom"
> >Ah, that explains it -- you're from New Jersey, so you're immune to
> >assholes. Kind of like someone from Tennessee telling you how
> >the Japanese are -- you've got to take it with a grain of salt.
> Like I asked Mike, where are YOU from? I'm sure it's paradise on Earth
> but I just want to make sure.
San Francisco. And believe me, any shit you could possibly give me about
that I already got when I was in the military, and then some.
[picture bug-eyed sergeant with deep southern drawl who closely resembles an
extra in Deliverance]
Sa-yan FranCISco? Only two things come from Sa-yan FranCISco -- steers 'n
queers! 'N I don' see no horns on you, boy!
Ryan Ginstrom
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