"Dave Fossett" <reply@via.newsgroup> wrote in message
> Declan Murphy wrote:
> > Tonight I had the best fish'n'chips err sorry... English haute cuisine
> > I've ever had the pleasure of scoffing. The fish was perfect, the batter
> > had a Heineken base, the chips consisted of potatoes freshly cut with
> > the skins still on them, green salad (shock) and steamed peanuts
> > (horror) as a side dish. Chopped onions in the tartare sauce, tomato
> > sauce that tasted like tomato, and some vinegar for attempting a "dip".
> Ooh... Sounds good.
> > The "Montego Bar" in Okazaki in case you ever happen to be stranded here
> > due to a car breakdown etc.
> The only place I have had fish and chips in Japan is at the Irish Pub in
> Ikebukuro, Tokyo. It was pretty authentic pub-style fish and chips in that
> it was probably microwaved, but it was good enough.
> -- 
> Dave Fossett
> Saitama, Japan

The Hobgoblin in Akasaka and Roppongi  does a very acceptable fish & chips,
the 'cod' is not quite North Sea Cod , but close enough if you've been away
a while,
Batter nice and crisp.
And they have Sarsons Vinegar  & HP Sauce

Shibuya , Japan