Re: What does everyone have against French society?
"John of Aix" <> wrote in message news:<bhnpfd$1affq$>...
> "ジャスティン" <_anarchosyndicalistclasswarrior_@_yahoo.com_> a ecrit
> dans le message de news: 3F3E30B1.40502@_yahoo.com_...
> > I have heard reports of the French <not collectively> being
> > disrespectful to the graves of fallen soldiers near Normandy, is
> this true?
> It is but only by a very few people, probably teenagers who can't find
> any telephone cabins to wreck or walls to spray graffiti on. In
> general the war cemeteries are scrupulously and beautifully kept (at
> the expense of the French taxpayer) and respected by all (except these
> idiots). And, despite what some of the more ignorant posters here
> think the French remember well the sacrifices of the allied troops on
> the beaches of France. Check back to the 50th anniversay of the D-Day
> celebrations, every single veteran who came to France for that event
> was given an absolute hero's welcome.
Some americans makimg a trip in some of our subburbs or watching a
documentary on FOX would imagine that all our country is covered with
tags and grafittis and gangs... I've visited Harlem and I've never
generalized what I've seen. (I've seen about a hundred cops round Wall
Street and in the City but only one patrol car in Harlem...). As I
would not generalize the racism of some Alabama, Mississipi or Texas
inhabitants according to the racist crimes we've heard about and the
statistics of courts or death penalty...
Every country as lacks, every country did historical crime in the name
of their own interests. If french did some mistakes and crimes
Americans are not in the top ten angels...
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <>
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