"Tesselator" <jimmmboe@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:bdocv2$jak$1@catv02.starcat.ne.jp...
> "Dick" <Tungfree@hawaii.rr.com> wrote in message news:WhJLa.89758$49.3387540@twister.socal.rr.com...
> > I read everything once, and even though I commented on one thing,  may
> > things were difficult to vissualize I will need to reread it but I
> > downloaded the manual and will read that too then try and see why I could
> > not follow it  with step by step images in my mind that youy wished me to
> > see.
> >
> Reread JK's post again..   that might be more clear.  I have a tendancy
> to ramble on and on.

Or, hey I know..  bring a ruler that has mm on it to the camera shop.
put the camera models to be tested in macro or super macro or whatever
mode and shoot the ruler as close as you can but still in focus. Assumeing
you tested cameras with the same sized LCD and megapixel rating you can
just put the ruler on the picture of the ruler and measure a mm in the pic
or count mm across the pic.

                                At least that sounds right.   O :-)