I read everything once, and even though I commented on one thing,  may
things were difficult to vissualize I will need to reread it but I
downloaded the manual and will read that too then try and see why I could
not follow it  with step by step images in my mind that youy wished me to

"Tesselator" <jimmmboe@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> > So now I need to understand your additional input on the"...focus your
> > attention of the level of magnification it iscapable of..."
> > Could you give an example, Kind Sir? it will then be assimulated
> > else I will need to get the manual ( which I still plan to do) read it
> > find my way to the correct understanding, od how Super Macro results are
> > affected by the leavel of magnification.
> >
> Huh?  Did you read the full reply or just the top part?
> BTW, Super Macro (or zoom for that matter) affects the level of
> and not the other way around.
> Huh?  Am I missing something???