On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 03:54:44 GMT, cjundieseastwd@powerup.com.au  ...
>In article <bdoaa702g3i@drn.newsguy.com>, Brett Robson <jet_boy@deja.com> 
>>On Mon, 30 Jun 2003 02:11:04 GMT, cjundieseastwd@powerup.com.au  ...
>>>In article <jrkufv89kpvbql84ldm6q06nnao1nkjrck@4ax.com>, Michael Cash 
>>><mikecash@sunfield.ne.jp> wrote:
>>>>On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 23:24:22 +0900, Ken Yasumoto-Nicolson
>>>><knicolson@pobox.com> belched the alphabet and kept on going with:
>>>>>...with five tonnes of omiyage (and she forgot a few people) and ten
>>>>>tonnes of hotel soap and tea and sugar and crap. Is it a common
>>>>>Japanese trait to ensure the hotel room is stripped clean of all
>>>>>available freebies?
>>>>This is a result of a process called $B$*$P$s2(B which is happening to
>>>>your wife. Get used to it.
>>>could you post that in romanji as well?
>>>thanks :-)
>>oban (hiragana) ka (the kanji that is flower without grass on top)
>kewl, its just come through as unreadable on this NG reader
>so its obanka with the oban being in hiragana, and last part being the kanji 
>for "hana"

no, hana without the grass radical on top, meaning -ization, eg kokusai-ka, the
process whereby Japanese pretend to become international.

>I'll look it up tonight in me Sony

I don't think a PS2 is going to help much.

"he [John Ashcroft] deliberately left Jesus out of office prayers to avoid
offending non-Christians."   - Ben Shapiro 27/2/2003