Brett Robson <> wrote:
> On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 15:32:11 +0900, Michael  ...

> I understand your point but disagree. This is being toted as a liberal move when
> in fact most countries have got passed these ridiculous arguments three decades
> ago.

You mean "most developed countries", of course.

However, this is a more traditional "conservative" ruling, in actuality,
in that it is more in line with the intent of the Constitution; ie, to
give only those powers to the government which are necessary to run the
country well, and to reserve to other entities anything that the government
cannot claim a legitimate interest.

BTW, in the less-discussed affirmative action ruling, several justices
noted the strong input of "65 of Fortune's 500" companies in helping to
persuade them to uphold the U Michigan policy. They apparently sent friends
of the court briefs pointing out the necissity for maintaining a diverse
group of candidates for their companies in increasingly diverse international

*THAT* would be a more traditional liberal view, but it is somewhat surprisin
to see it supported by "big business".
