Re: Questions I should be asking - Any Idea?
"Tesselator" <> wrote in message
> "charp" <> wrote in message
> > Hi There
> >
> > I'm looking at buying a digital camcorder for the first time any idea on
> > type of questions i should be asking the sales people in the stores i
> a.. How come wrong numbers are never busy?
> b.. Do people in Australia call the rest of the world "up over"?
> c.. Does that screwdriver belong to Philip?
> d.. Can a stupid person be a smart-ass?
> e.. Does killing time damage eternity?
> f.. Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
> g.. Why is it called lipstick if you can still move your lips?
> h.. Why is it that night falls but day breaks?
> i.. Why is the third hand on the watch called a second hand?
> j.. Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing
> liquid made with real lemons?
> k.. Are part-time bandleaders semi-conductors?
> l.. Can you buy an entire chess set in a pawn shop?
> m.. Daylight savings time - why are they saving it and where do they
> keep it?
> n.. Did Noah keep his bees in archives?
> o.. Do jellyfish get gas from eating jellybeans?
> p.. Do pilots take crash-courses?
> q.. Do stars clean themselves with meteor showers?
> r.. Do you think that when they asked George Washington for ID that he
> just whipped out a quarter?
> s.. Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?
> t.. How can there be self-help "groups"?
> u.. How do you get off a non-stop flight?
> v.. How many weeks are there in a light year?
> w.. If a jogger runs at the speed of sound, can he still hear his
> Walkman?
> x.. If blind people wear dark glasses, why don't deaf people wear
> earmuffs?
> y.. If cats and dogs didn't have fur would we still pet them?
> z.. If peanut butter cookies are made from peanut butter, then what
> Girl Scout cookies made out of?
> aa. If space is a vacuum, who changes the bags?
> ab. If swimming is good for your shape, then why do the whales look
> way they do?
> ac. If tin whistles are made out of tin, what do they make fog horns
> out of?
> ad. If white wine goes with fish, do white grapes go with sushi?
> ae. If you can't drink and drive, why do bars have parking lots?
> af. If you jog backwards, will you gain weight?
> ag. If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times,
> does he become disoriented?
> ah. Why do the signs that say "Slow Children" have a picture of a
> running child?
> ai. Why do they call it "chili" if it's hot?
> aj. Why do we sing "Take me out to the ball game, when we are already
> there?
> ak. Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?
> al. Is a person who moves out of California called a decal ?
> > What should i be looking for in a digital camcorder?
> >
> Beautiful women! Specifically in the viewfinder.
> --
> Ok, ok, type in "Digital Camera Review" in yur search engine and
> Other than that, Nikon, Olympus, and Cannon (in that order) seem to be the
> popular among discerning shoppers... and for very good reasons.
> O :-)
Not quite what I was looking for so has anyone got information or questions
that I should ask that will actually help me with purchasing a digital
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