Re: That's our Clinton!
Ken wrote:
> Kevin Gowen wrote:
>> If you fix your chat machine you will be able to...
> I wonder what makes you think I have control over this particular
> "chat" machine...
> It would be a bit uncivil of me to install an IME on a system I don't
> own.
We all know how concered you are with being civil.
> Temporarily pointing a X11 server to a net-accessible font
> server, on the other hand, doesn't leave any customizations behind
> when I leave. Having no IME available makes inputting e.g. japanese a
> quite tedious copy and paste process, but one sometimes doesn't have
> a choice. Anyway, these concepts are probably beyond the intellectual
> grasp
> of a person who has never used anything more advanced than a small
> personal computer -- sorry, "chat" machine...
>> in hanzis [sic] as easily as most of the rest of us do.
> Interesting, this "[sic]".
The interesting part is that you have decided to pluralize a Chinese word.
> It seems you hasn't been able to figure
> out how to copy the two text lines with the HTML "&xxx;" entities
> into a clipboard and paste them between <html> </html> tags and open
> the resulting text file in a web browser. Why am I not surprised.
Because you are civil?
> Anyway, if Gowen who likes discussing fixing "chat" machines had the
> computer skills to use basic copy/paste functions, he'd *perhaps* have
> understood why I deliberately used the term "hanzis" (between quotes)
Your failure to fix your chat machine does not constitute my duty to decode
your post.
Kevin Gowen
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