"Malev" <malev@selamer.com> wrote...
> On Wed, 9 Apr 2003 13:46:47 +0200, "Massi" <MassiLTD@hot.com> wrote:
> >Co
> <crap deleted>
> 1- Quit crossposting your garbage
> 2- fuck off.

Malev "dear" Mal-Eve sempre le fiori $(D??(B t$(D??(B
Why "fuck off" ?
isen't it "alt.idiots" ?
I mean the war of course.

Please let me enjoy the "short" happiness of Iraqi which i hope Bush-Blair
don't use it to their profit however whole the region is in danger.
The real is starting now.
We'll see what tomorrow brings and right now it's in the hand of Bush-Blair.

Please would you end with your "fucking alt.idiots".
I'm still against the war and i'm concerned about the world's stability.
If you don't agree it's your "fuck off" and "alt.idiots" ?
