Consequences of Bush-Blair'WAR :
1. Irak is in total chaos.
2. in the south, Basra is already in total chaos
Chalabi and Jay Garner are not fitted by the irakian
3. in the north,
the kurde is jubilating BUT Syria, Turkey and Iran are mobilizing their
Only Iran assembled 7 millions "well equiped mentally and heavy armsed are
ready to go to Irak as well Syrian and Turkey.
4. In Bagdad the situation is dramatic.
The Irakian's soldiers, militaries and forces went away .... nobody knows.
The state of suspicious is clear.
The Pentagone says Saddam is dead and the Irakian UN representant says NO
Saddam is alive.
If true Saddam Hussein is dead WE MUST see his body however he's alive.

The questions where are the republican's guard, the fidayinn of Saddam and
others forces ?

That's what we always warned Bush and Blair about :
CHAOS and many problems are waiting Bush-Blair RESPONSIBLES in front of
whole the world.

It's easy to start a war but it's very difficult de build a peace.

The Bill of this stupid Bush-Blair's war is very high. They must pay it.

> The Iraq crisis - No War!
> Since the Second World War
> has bombed 21 countries
>     China 1945-46, 1950-53
>     Korea 1950-53
>     Guatemala 1954, 1960, 1967-69
>     Indonesia 1958
>     Cuba 1959-61
>     Congo 1964
>     Peru 1965
>     Laos 1964-73
>     Vietnam 1961-73
>     Cambodia 1969-70
>     Lebanon 1983-84
>     Grenada 1983
>     Libya 1986
>     El Salvador 1980s
>     Nicaragua 1980s
>     Panama 1989
>     Bosnia 1995
>     Sudan 1998
>     Former Yugoslavia 1999
>     Iraq 1991-??
>     Afghanistan 1998, 2001-??
> How many more are they planning to bomb?
> Bush's advisers say Iraq is just a 'battle in the wider war'.
> They have named North Korea, Iran, and even Syria, Cuba and Libya as
> possible future targets. They call it a war without end. But millions of
> people around the world are raising their voices in protest against this
> illegal, unjust war.
> What Nasra Al Sa'adoon, Iraqi author, told the NI about the attack on the
> Twin Towers in 2001:
> " These innocent civilians are the collateral damage - like the Iraqis in
> the Ameriyah shelter and the victims of the almost disputes; Panama,
> Vietnam, Grenada, Hiroshima. The price of conflicts is fire blood and
> life yet all of them, all of us, are just that precious human lives.
> Can this be a turning point ?
> A time to join hands?
> A halt to carnage which has been going on since the crusades?
> And let me say that here in Iraq, contrary to reports, we were not
> We know loss and pain too well, we are not vengeful, but we were
> again what happened to us 10 years ago."
> . NI magazines that you should see: Iraq, Islam, Twin Terrors, Globocops,
> The Gulf in Flames and Another World is Possible.
> . The UK based band Slovo have kindly agreed for the NI to use an edited
> version of their track '21 Today' in our anti-war radio ad campaign. Click
> here to download the full track. [.wav format] Visit the Slovo site for
> information on the band
> . 10 reasons against war with Iraq. Taken from a new book from Verso, War
> Plan Iraq: Ten Reasons Against War on Iraq.
> 1. There is no evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.
> 2. There is no link between September 11 and Iraq.
> 3. This is not about 'Regime Change' - another Saddam would arise.
> 4. A war would trigger a humanitarian catastrophe.
> 5. A war would threaten the safety of the Kurdish people.
> 6. A war would be illegal.
> 7. A war would destabilize Iraq's neighbours.
> 8. Both the US and UK Military are wary of war.
> 9. The US and UK governments have no mandate to go to war.
> 10. It's the economy stupid - war could trigger a world recession.
> PS : besides the BLOODY war in Iraq, Israel is right now KILLING
> Palestinians...... WHY ?
> Where's UN ?