>>>>> In <1166661596.476746.20400@a3g2000cwd.googlegroups.com>
>>>>>    sanger_a2@yahoo.com wrote:

> I am planning to get this as a tattoo and would just like someone to
> confirm to me that the kanji 鼓腹 means happinees/contentment. It's
> the symbols for belly and beat put together right?

> Thanks very much

> Andy

You seem to look for kanji which is pronounced kofuku or koufuku.
Right?  If so, 幸福 is the proper one.  The word 鼓腹 indeed
exists, however it's an archaic word in China and we seldom use
it.  If anything, we are reminded of 太鼓腹 (taiko-bara), which
means the belly of a very fat person. ;-p
