Re: Happiness Contentment Kanji
Thank you very much. That's exactly the sort of thing I was trying to
avoid. I saw the 幸福 kanji quite often when looking for a happiness
kanji but I actually thought that happiness/blessedness was more likely
to be an outdated one. I think that's the one I'll be going for.
Thanks again
Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
> >>>>> In <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> > I am planning to get this as a tattoo and would just like someone to
> > confirm to me that the kanji 鼓腹 means happinees/contentment. It's
> > the symbols for belly and beat put together right?
> > Thanks very much
> > Andy
> You seem to look for kanji which is pronounced kofuku or koufuku.
> Right? If so, 幸福 is the proper one. The word 鼓腹 indeed
> exists, however it's an archaic word in China and we seldom use
> it. If anything, we are reminded of 太鼓腹 (taiko-bara), which
> means the belly of a very fat person. ;-p
> Regards,
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