Hello from Japan.
Hi everyone
I am a Japanese , 37 years old , 4th dan(By Kodokan)
I am a teacher of public school in japan.
My subject is mathematics, I teach Judo in school club activity.
I am a freind of Angel and Jose by this NewsGroup.
We are good friend.
We like Judo very much , and think Judo is not only competition but aslo
EDUCATION to children.
Well, I did not know IJF rules had changed .
I dont use IJF ruled to japanese junior high school students .
We use Kodokan rule for Children.
I have a referee license of Japan Judo Federation .
My dream is to make friendship japanese children and foreiner by Judo.
I am searching teacher's position in other country.
But It is very difficult, because I cant speak English at all. hahaha!!!
Please e-mail to me.
Fnews-brouse 1.9(20180406) -- by Mizuno, MWE <mwe@ccsf.jp>
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