On Sat, 7 Dec 2002 23:26:07 +0900, "Hitoshi T, JAPAN"
<judoka87@hotmail.com> wrote:
>Hi everyone
>I am a Japanese , 37 years old , 4th dan(By Kodokan)
>I am a teacher of public school  in japan.
>My subject is mathematics, I teach Judo in school club activity.
>I am a freind of Angel and Jose by this NewsGroup.
>We are good friend.
>We like Judo very much , and think Judo is not only competition but aslo
>EDUCATION to children.
>Well, I did not know IJF rules had changed .
>I dont use IJF ruled to japanese junior high school students .
>We use Kodokan rule for Children.
>I have a referee license  of Japan Judo Federation .
>My dream is to make friendship japanese children and foreiner by Judo.
>I am searching teacher's  position in other country.
>But It is very difficult, because I cant speak English at all. hahaha!!!
>Please e-mail to me.
First, Your english is fine, better than my Japanese.  I am a 3rd Dan
instructor of Tae Kwon Do.
 I teach the children's class that Tae Kwon Do is just a small part of
a large puzzle, and that puzzle is understanding one's self, and not
to close the door on something because it is different or unknown.  It
may become the path to lead us to who we are and what we are meant to
God did not make one mold and say this is what man and woman should
be, but he did like the form so much that he created many different
styles.  Each form has it's own importance, it's own uniqueness, it's
own place.  Much like martial arts has it's many styles, with no one
style being all things for all people.  Just ask a Sumo to do a
jumping spinning roundhouse kick.  Some people are butterflys and some
people are elephants, but we all enjoy the same chi.

Blade Heart
Wise men speak in silence, while fools chatter incessantly