Re: ATTN: girlfriend of steel
> Sauka, no offense, but after looking through your last five posts I'm
> not even sure you can read or understand English. On the other hand,
> that may also have to do with your "AMERICAN UPBRINGING," although
> that certainly didn't stop me. You are in such dire need of help that
> I'm going to rewrite your post for you.
Wow I feel so insulted. It happened to be that I was in a rush that
day to get to work seeing as how I was already very late from going
through these very interesting conversations in the
japan.anime.evangelion group. I attempted to get a message down as
fast as humanly possible and thus did away with unnecessary grammar
and time consuming spelling extras (although necessary for more
complex conversations I understand) I apologize for being so annoying
to you and to all of those that were so horribly offended by my style
of hurried writing, from now on I will be sure to put up a disclaimer
before I write in a hurried fashion so that people like you are not so
traumatized by my text. Although the satisfaction and thus
entertainment level you derived by putting me down even under the
false shield of "no offence " in order to make yourself appear to you,
and all others, as a better person them most, must have been extremely
satisfying. Once again I beg forgiveness for my existence, please
continue your actions of using me and others as stepping stones for
the appearance of prestige among your fellow colleagues. I am reminded
of grade school and the constant harassment to nerds and losers
(myself included in that category) by the popular people to appear
greater and thus more popular among there friends. By you're knowledge
and wisdom I can sense from your writings I can tell you are much more
mature and refined than these common bullies. It hurts me to find
these same rudimentary people lurking in my only haven from them in
the guise of fellow internet goers.
In pain and sadness
Sauka- Dark Lilum
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