On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 16:59:28 +0900, Eric Takabayashi
<etakajp@yahoo.co.jp> wrote:

>> That must be EricWorld where the sun's always shining and the birds
>> are always singing

>No, that's reality. Only an ass tells victims (or the falsely or mistakenly accused or punished)
>to "live with it", "deal with it", "that's reality", or to suggest they move to some country with
>a system they'd like better.

I'm just saying that with the human factor no system is or ever will
be perfect nor do we live in a perfect world.

>> and double-jeopardy doesn't exist because we can
>> just continue to retry criminal cases until we get the outcome we
>> like.

>Not the outcome we "like". Looking for the truth. If more evidence and better methods such as DNA
>testing or future revolutions in criminal investigation come out later that can prove what
>happened or who is really a criminal or victim.

That is all well and good for THAT situation. However, as Findlaw duly

"To permit a second trial after an acquittal, however mistaken the
acquittal may have been, would present an unacceptably high risk that
the Government, with its vastly superior resources, might wear down
the defendant so that 'even though innocent he may be found

How do you get around THAT? 

>You still don't get this. There is no purpose in falsely or mistakenly punishing the innocent,
>because it means the real criminals get away, and the victims don't get justice. I am not
>interested in punishing the people who did not commit crime.

Neither am I and I think it is YOU who doesn't get it. I don't
disagree with your ideals I disagree with your notions of how to
achieve them.

>> >[And would certainly never tell them, as past posters have told me, that the escaped criminal
>> committing more crime (maybe against the original victims once more, as in domestic violence,
>> child molestation, or acquaintance rape) would give law enforcement another chance to punish
>> them.]

>> This is only the truth.

>Even if it were the truth, there are better ways to talk to victims or the falsely or mistakenly
>accused or punished.

In the end what could be better than the truth?

>But you don't get that either. Is that how police or friends treated you after your mugging? Why
>can't you think of a better way?

Maybe the same reason you can't. There is no better way. People need
to be improved.