Re: Community nearby Akihabara
On Mar 8, 4:52 pm, KrishnaK <> wrote:
> Yes, even i love this electric town as myself a s/w programmer. But I
> dont have any friends here to talk. I dont know who can speak english
> here.No social talk. No friends no fun :(
Your social circle will enlarge instantly if you learn some more
Japanese, but even then it shouldn't be too hard to meet English
speaking people in the 23 wards. I recently met a well known author/
journalist who after living and working in Tokyo for 22 years hasn't
learned the word for "plate" yet...
Many of the people you meet in Akiba aren't residents, but having a
social life might require jumping onto a yamanote line train for a few
minutes. There is a largish Indian community in Tokyo as well. Even
cricket teams. These are things that aren't easily available in Aichi.
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