Re: Maxwell's and Faraday's formulations of induction (suzysewnshow) wrote in message news:<>...
> [snip]
> > > Sergey>
> > > > I reason that if no astronomer was present in Newton's era to correct
> > > > the manner in which Newton formatted his gravitational agenda by
> > > > unauthorised use of two incompatible astronomical views,I have no
> > > > reason to believe that it could be achieved in the present
> > > > climate.Astronomers previous to Flamsteed calculated orbits of planets
> > > > against the motion of the Earth,after Flamsteed it amounted to
> > > > calculating them against the background stars with Newton fudging as
> > > > much as possible by way of combining Roemer and Kepler seperate but
> > > > overlaping insights.
> I could not find the words *Saturation* or *Hysteresis* in your paper
> so am wondering how these well known effects were accounted for in the
> ferromagnetic cores used in your experiment. Your description sounds
> much like a fluxgate magnetometer so I would expect these can't be
> ignored.
> -------------------
> Kind regards,
> Sue...
Dear Suzy,
You naturally could not find in our paper these words - SATURATION and
HYSTERESIS, as these phenomena do not effect the pattern of induction
emf change with distance from the core. We measured in
not-ferromagnetic space, and the aim of experiment was to register the
fact of increasing either decreasing emf when we moved the outer side
of loop away from core. These phenomena could affect only the general
amplitude of emf in relation with frequency, or the distortion of the
shape of sinusoidal current; in this case, when the amplitude of
voltage in the primary winding was constant, it was of no importance,
just as the decrease of emf amplitude with falling frequency which you
can see in the plots of our paper. We showed the frequency range only
in order to show the independent pattern of emf variation with respect
to frequency when moving the outer side of loop away from core.
Nothing more. ;-)
And you are right of course, the hysteresis is very interesting
phenomenon, and its phenomenology still keeps many unexpected things.
The orientation of magnetic moments of domains which is currently used
to substantiate the hysteresis not always well describes the observed
processes. This would be a separate interesting study, with all our
wish it would be impossible to include it into one paper, and even
into one trend of fan of subjects studying the nature of magnetic
field. We still have to sort these things out without ferromagnets,
then their turn will come. ;-)
Kind regards to you,
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